Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Wedding in Poland, onto Australia

So, i haven't updated this blog in a while, for being too busy basically. Since Sri Lanka i went to the wedding of my brother and new sister in law in Łodz, Poland. It was a total family reunion, which was great because i hadn't seen any of them for quite a long time. The wedding was followed by a few days in Singapore for visiting some old friends and of course - for the amazing food. Then i ventured on to Perth and had a great stay thanks to my good old Uni pal, Claus and his family. A few days of good times, soccer and sightseeing later, i flew to Sydney and transited to Krambach, NSW where i am currently reciding as a VWOOF'er (volenteer worker on an organic farm). I've been here for three weeks now and dont really have a good reason to leave. Its interresting to work here and i keep learning a whole fucking lot about the australian language. I also learn a lot of practical skills, such as construction, motor bike-, truck- and fork lift driving aswell as cooking, fencing and of lot of more farmy stuff such as feeding the chicken in the morning - which, by the way, is a great way to start the day 😁 The food and accommodation is free and plenty and the family and other VWoofers are really nice. I guess i know when to leave when the time comes. The plan will be to buy some spear fishing gear and go sailing after this, but its hard to tell exactly when. Here's a link to where i found the place:

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Leaving Ella for Kandy.

Ive been told to switch to english for a wider audience so here we go: Ella is a chapter of the past. The remainding time was spent by doing some exploring by my self. I cut my toe, and luckily the hotel owner knew a guy with some "medicine" then showed up with a coke bottle full of home made palm wine for me to enjoy. It tasted close to awful, but i was up and running the next day together with an awesome swiss/french couple that i met, Julian and Romani. We spent a day at an amazing (we decided that was the right word for it) waterfall with sun, swimming and some crazy high-diving. Got away with only a few scratches. Oh, and i saw a snake! Now im in Kandy.. kind of a touristic big city. Not much to do/tell. The fruit market was nice and exotic. Perfect for an exotic fruit enthusiast. Durian, mangosteen, sousop, hairy lychies, papaya and mangoes and its all in my belly by now. It was all "cheap as bananas". Im going to Sigiryia tomorrow to see some temple.. Think im just gonna fade out here untill its wedding time in Poland in about a week! Looking forward to seeing my good old family after about 3 months of various randomness.